Daniel Pålsson:
Breath talks webinar

Den anerkendte vejrtrækningsekspert har allerede været oplægsholder i Lykkehuset flere gange. Endelig kan vi bringe en bid af oplevelsen hjem til dig i 5 korte webinars.

Det bliver 5 ultrakorte introduktioner til emner inden for vejrtrækning, hvor du får konkrete redskaber til at bruge din egen vejrtrækning til at forbedre din fysiske sundhed og dit mentale helbred.

Er du ikke nået med fra start? Det gør ikke noget. De fem webinars har forskellige temaer og kan ses uafhængigt af hinanden.


De 5 webinars

  1. Breathing & Sleep - turn on the safety mode for better sleep with breathing techniques
    14. januar kl. 20.00-20.15

    Quality sleep is one of the key foundational pillars for wellbeing which most people know. What is less commonly known is the close link between breathing and sleep.

    The average person breathes around 20 000 per day and your breathing pattern time communicates to your brain about your state of being. A breathing pattern that has too much mouth, fast, hard and shallow breathing signals stress and danger which in turn has a profound impact on sleep and in the long run your health. In our modern society this is normal but un-natural because it causes chronic stress and anxiety.

    In our 15 minute Breath talk you will experience that breathing exercises both before and after sleep are key to turn on your own safety mode.

  2. Reduce stress and anxiety with breathing
    21. januar kl. 20.00-20.15

    Breathing is probably one of the most powerful tools to reduce stress and anxiety. The reason is because with breathing exercises the vagus nerve is stimulated which activates the rest & digest system (Parasympathetic Nervous System). The vagus nerve and various organs in the body then send information to the brain that everything is under control which reduce stress and anxiety.

  3. Women’s breathing and the menstrual cycle
    28. januar kl. 20.00-20.15

    Women and men breathe different. During the menstrual cycle a woman’s respiratory rate can speed up which can cause more anxiousness and stress. This is because too much carbon dioxide is being expelled on the exhale when the respiratory rate goes up. Carbon dioxide is normally viewed as something toxic but it is vital to have enough in the blood so the PH stays balanced. Breathing techniques can reduce the symptoms and you will learn a few techniques.

  4. Breathing, icebaths and sauna – A pharmacy for your body, mind and soul
    5. februar kl. 20.00-20.15

    Combining breathing exercises before – during - after icebaths and sauna can have a profound impact on your physical, mental and emotional health. However, doing it incorrectly can be dangerous because of its potency. I will describe what happens in the body during cold and hot temperatures and how to progress in order to stay safe and enjoy the experience.

  5. Purpose breathing – connect to yourself, others and something greater
    26. februar kl. 20.00-20.15

    Breathing and breath training can act as a portal and catalyst for deeper states of consciousness. You will experience a 5 step sequence that can transform the direction of your life.

    Step 1- Breathing– the bridge to altered states
    Step 2- Flow states - Beyond concentration with focused intention 
    Step 3 - Heart brain coherence - The link between breathing, the heart, the brain and gratitude 
    Step 4 - Vibrational breathing – Internal sound, external sound and silence 
    Step 5 - Connected imagery- Connecting to the non-physical dimension

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